Internal Auditor

Internal Auditor

If you need to verify documents or colleagues for their performance against a specific regulation, standard or work instruction you require an internal auditor training. The internal auditor will independently and critical review an organization’s business activity and report the results. An internal audit is a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled. An internal audit tests company systems, course material and delivery for compliance.


Elements of the Training

  • Role of the internal auditor
  • Introduction to internal auditing
  • Managing the internal audits process
  • Internal audit and preparation 
  • Performing the internal audit
  • Report the findings
  • Create an action plan
  • Practical exercises to perform internal audits



A competence assessor certificate will be beneficial for the training.


Duration of the Training

exosfeer believes in immersive training. Before the training a verbal assessment will be performed. This assessment will determine the start position of each delegate. Delegates with the same starting position will be gathered in a physical training and receive a training with a duration to ensure competency. 

The training duration is therefore between 16 hours and 24 hours with a 50-50% theory-practical balance.

We have availability on a weekly basis, contact us for more information.